Thursday, October 2, 2014

Heading to Hawaii

     My host family and I are in Hawaii right now! It's been a very long road here. About ten days ago I started packing for the kids. Oh my goodness packing four kids is quite an ordeal. Not only was i packing four kids but I had to pack for two seasons because we are going to England next. It was a huge learning experience.
   Two days ago we got up super early and headed to the air port. I took Indigo and Kaiya on the bus becuase we didn't all fit in the car with the luggage. It was fun. Indie was very excited about going on the bus. She was less impressed that it stops all the time.
    Our flight was nine hours and fourty minutes. Over all the kids werd pretty good. They had tv and the cabin staff gave them games and coloring books. One of the flight attendants had been an au pair in Boston for a year when he was 18. It was cool to hear his stories being as he went from NewZealand tothe USA. He had noticed things about the US (like the prescence of cream cheese in everything) that I hadn't missed. 
     We arrived in Honolulu pretty late and went straight to the hotel to get some shut eye before another early flight. I went to a market near the hotel because adults didn't get dinner on the flight. I was so excited to see gokd fish crackers that I had to get some. We had another early flight today and the kids ended up eating goldfish for breakfast being as there weren't many options or much time. I am already really aware of how different the cafe culture in NZ is and I miss it...a lot. It is just so easy to be able to get a toasted sandwhich any where for the kids.
    Today we spent a lot of time getting sorted and putting away bags and getting the rental car etc. We had lunch out. There was a fountian and the kids wanted to make wishes so I gave them each a penny. Tally didn't understand what she was suppose to do. After I explained it and she watched the big kids she tossed in her penny and shouted "I want to ridd a unicorn". It was super cute. When we got to our apartment we took the kids swimming at the hotel. Our hotel is on 16 acres and has three tennis courts. It sound pretty big but its actually really full of apartments.

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