This post has taken forever to post. I was in Queenstown from December 4th to the 7th. I flew down to see one of my best friends Ariel. I'm not sure that I have talked about her on my blog yet. I know she is mentioned a few times but I certainly haven't gone into depth. I met Ariel on my trip through Waitomo caves. She and I just clicked and became almost inseparable. Her placement ended at the end of November and she traveled around the North and South Island on the Stray bus. This was a pretty tragic event in my life as I had spent most of my time hanging out with her. I was suddenly all alone! Not really I have other friends but my go to was gone and it was quite an adjustment. Luckily we had planned for me to fly down to Queenstown and hang out with her for a few days.
Ariel cut off all her hair?!?!?!?! |
On December 4th I got up super early to drive to the air port, park my car and get to my flight. The flight itself is only two hours. I got into Queenstown around 8:30 ish. Then I met Ariel at the hostel. I was so excited! She had scheduled a hair cut for that morning. I hung out with her while she had her hair cut. This was a pretty momentous event as her hair was super long. It was almost down to her bottom but by the end of the hair cut it was above her shoulders. She looked absolutely adorable! It was a big change though.
After getting her hair cut we did a bit of wandering before finding lunch. She had never had Fergburger so we gave that a try. Fergburger is famous in New Zealand for being "the best" burger. They are good but I've had much better burger in the states. After lunch we went did the Luge with people from her bus. The Luge is a cart that you sit in then you go down a concrete track that winds it's way down the mountain. It was fun. I had done the one in Rotorua before. I liked the one in Rotorua because there were more tracks.
After our fun filled day of sun, food, and Luge we got some dinner then we went dancing! Ariel and I love to dance. It is one of the many things that brought us together.

The next day (the 5th) we got up and had bacon and eggs! This is only exciting because Ariel had been living on a bus so she hadn't been able to keep things like bacon due to the general lack of refrigeration. Then we booked into do a Canyon Swing ( Ariel had wanted to do a bungy but after my first bungy attempt I have decided not to do another one. We compromised on the swing though. We booked into the 1pm swing so we had some time to kill before going. I went for a run up the mountain to the top of the gondolas where we had been the day before. The view was amazing. It killed my legs though. When I got back I had a snack then we went to AJ Hackett to get on the bus for our swing. The bus ride took ages because it is out of town over a canyon. The hill up to the swing is so steep that it feels like the bus is going to flip over on it's back. To get to the canyon swing you have to walk out on a bridge to a platform that is suspended over the canyon. The bridge was one of my least favourite parts. When we got to the swing we watched two other groups of people go before it was our turn. The great thing about the swing is you get to go with a friend. Ariel and I decided to go backwards so that we wouldn't see the ground coming at our heads. The guy that set us up was named Phil. He has been working with AJ Hackett for over 20 years. He was telling me about all the silly things he has seen from people while he was hooking us up to the swing. To get hooked up the put you in a harness then they attach the harness to a bar that is above your head. After that you sit down and the bar is lifted off the end of the platform. This is easily the worst part because you are suspended over a canyon waiting to fall. We asked to be surprised and not have a count down so Phil was chatting with us as we are suspended over the canyon and we were both screaming at him to push the button. He was asking us about something and mid sentence released the swing. It was so much fun and slightly terrifying. The falling was a little scary but the swing after was so much fun! When it stops swinging they raise you back up. It takes ages to get back up to the platform. After we had gone I videoed two Norwegian boys that we met on the platform. They go to school in Stavanger (where I was in October). By the time I was done videoing them Ariel was ready to get off the platform so we scurried across the freaky bridge and were finally back on solid ground.
OMG The Nevis swing!!! It was so high and scary!!! |
We took the bus back to Queenstown and got some lunch from Ferg Bakery. We had pies. Ariel went with a traditional one but I had to be adventurous and try the venison and mushroom pie. It wasn't my best choice I must say. We happened to run into the Norwegian boys while eating lunch on the lake front. They were super nice. After chatting and lunch we had another wander through town before going back to the hostel for a bit of a rest.
Ariel's bus driver had arranged for their bus to go on a sunset boat cruise. I got to tag along even though I'm not part of the bus. We got on the boat and had a fifteen minute ride before anchoring while the crew cooked us some burgers for dinner. There was lots of dancing on the boat. It was beautiful to be on the water at sunset. The mountains looked so cool. I can't really explain it but I'll add some pictures later. After our awesome cruise we went dancing!
View from our boat cruise |

We stayed out pretty late dancing which was a bit of an issue because the next morning (the 6th) we had to get up early to go on a Milford Sound tour. I had been to Milford Sound before but I wanted to go again. When I went it had be bucketing down with rain and it was phenomenal because there were so many waterfalls. I had hoped to see it in the sun but unfortunately it was cloudy when we went. I had turned on an alarm but then set my phone to silent so I didn't hear it. Luckily Ariel woke up on her own so we just barely made it to the bus on time. The bus driver told us about the history of the area as we drove. When he wasn't talking Ariel and I had a great time chatting and being silly. Not all of the passengers on the bus appreciated our silliness. A couple that was sitting across the aisle from us kept giving us weird looks and eventually traded seats with another couple. The bus made stops in Te Anua (not sure that is how you spell it) the mirror lakes and the Chasm. The mirror lakes weren't very mirror like because of the wind but I was glad we stopped there. My parents and I skipped the stop because there were so many tour buses stopped there when we drove past. The Chasm was my favourite stop. I stopped there with my parents as well. It is so cool. Ariel and I had a great time on the bus. I have lots of photos of it but it doesn't photograph well. The tour of Milford Sound was cool. It was essentially the same facts as the tour that I went on with my parents. I preferred the tour in the rain because the water falls were so amazing. Seeing it while cloudy isn't particularly fantastic. Just as the tour was finishing it started to rain so the waterfalls started appearing as we were driving back to Queenstown. We spent nearly eight hours on a bus!
It was a long day so we planned to hang out in the hostel and have a quiet night. We hung out and chatted for a while but were eventually persuaded out to do a bit of dancing. We only danced for an hour or so before returning to the hostel for more chatting and late night giggles.
Mirror lakes on the way to Milford Sound |
On the 7th I had to leave around lunch time. Ariel and I got up and wandered around the city. We were both pretty gloomy as we don't know when we will see each other again. I had a hard time saying bye to her. I have been so lucky to make such an amazing friend in New Zealand. When I came here I expected to make some friends but probably not friends I will have for life however I was blessed by becoming friends with Ariel.
Water fall in Milford sound. |
Selfies at Mirror lakes |
Our last selfie before we had to part ways :( |
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