I realize its a bit odd to post about the pre Christmas stuff after my Christmas post but I found some cute photos that I wanted to post.
We went to visit Santa at Snow Planet. Snow Planet is an indoor ski hill. The concept is a bit odd but it's te only way people in Auckland are able to ski without traveling. Rob and the kids went skiing. Tanya and I sat in the cafe and watched. I had wanted to go skiing but I was sick and really just wanted to go to sleep. I was thrilled to see Santa in the snow. After seeing Santa we got to ride a tube down the hill. It was super fun.
Rob teaching Tally to ski |
Another pre-Christmas thin I did with the kids is cookie making (how could I not). I got Mom to send me the recepies for butter balls and stockings. I had the younger girls make butter balls and the older two make stockings. I really enjoyed getting to share my cookies with the kids. I did get a bit home sick though because I remembered how Mom used to keep us home from school sometimes so that we could make Christmas cookies with her. She was much better at teaching me how to make stockings than I was at teaching the kids.
We can't waste that batter! |
Kaiya making stocking cookies |
Tally making butterballs |
We also decorated the house. It was a bit chaotic but then again what isn't chaotic with four kids.
Kaiya pretending to be Mrs. Clause. She is wearing stockings as socks. |
Jack being silly. |
Indie using the couch as a stool because "the top of the tree was sad because it was naked" |
Tally showing off an angel ornament |
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