Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kiwi Christmas

     I had Christmas with the lovely Sharp family. It was hugely different from my normal Christmas. The New Zealand Santa only gve stockings but the stockings aren't like what you hang on the mantelpiece they are more like a decorate felt pillow case that Santa leaves at the end of their beds. I missed stocking opening because it happened at like 6 am. I got up at 730 when I heard the kids running around up stairs. Rob and Tanya had gone back to sleep post stockigs which was understandable. By 930 I was pretty hangry so I started working on breakfast. Tanya came up and helped me. During breakfast prep he kids skyped their family in England and opened presets from their grand parents and aunt. We had a selections breakfast of creamy mushrooms, bacon, eggs, and crosaunts. 
    After breakfast I was able to cope much better. We sat down and took turns opening presents. Santa was nice enough toke me a stocking with tickets to a concert, a travel mug, nail polish and some other bits and bobs. Unfortunately I had locked my door on Christmas Eve so he had to leave it under the tree for me. Tally informed me that I still get a stocking because I'm not all the way grown up yet. 
   Opening presets took from 10 ish until 2 ish. Note cause there were tons and tons o presets but because we took so many breaks. It was much noisier and messier than my house normally is. I really missed doing presents then having being. It's funny which thins I missed the most. I really missed blue berry muffins which was unexpected as I've never really craved them or been all that excited about them.
     After we finished all the presents we went to the beach. Crazy right!?!? The beah was a big party. Lots of the families I  have met through the kids shook were there. Some of my friends were there.all the kids played in the water with their new toys and the adults socialised on the beach. It was fun but it didn't feel very much like Christmas. To me Christmas is supposed to be cold and Haig out inside playing board games with my family not going to the beach!
     While at the beach one of my friends invited me to a party. I had Turkey dinner with the Sharps before heading to the party. It felt funy to be going out on Christmas. I only knew the people I went with but I met new friends and had fun. 

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