Monday, February 1, 2016

Trip Home

Our Christmas Eve/Thanksgiving Dinner.
Mom made me a special dinner because
I missed out on Thanksgiving two years
in a row. 

Mom with a hilariously decorated present
I gave her. 
I got my Dad some silly presents
Me on Christmas Day. I got to pass out
presents (which is my favorite job)
     My trip how was wonderful and busy. It was nice to have some time to hang out with everyone and relax. I got home late in the evening and spent the first couple days relaxing around the house with Brian, Sara, Mom and Dad. On Boxing Day Kelley, Sam and Marilou came down. It was nice to see them again.  Kelley and I went on a Target trip. We also read children's Christmas stories to each other which was pretty fun. We spent a lot of time coloring and catching up.

Kelley and I on Boxing Day. 

Daddy got my an awesome hedgehog calendar

The Aasen/Mitchelle kids. Not very often that we all
end up in one place any more. 

After the Mitchelle's left we took a short trip to Billings to visit Dick and darlene. I hadn't seen them since before I started at Gonzaga so it was great to see them again. They are very much an extra set of grandpartents. We had a great time in billings. Darlene made us enchiladas. The next day we went shopping and hung out before heading back to Helena. It was a quick trip to Billings but still very very nice.

     After our trip to Billings we had lots of home time to connect with all sorts of different people. I was able to connect with my good friend Sydney and my friend Kenzie. It was nice to see people are reconnect.

      One of my favorite reconnections was going snowboarding with Aunt Sue. She used to take me skiing once a year or so and was always really great about making time for me as a kid. I have always really loved to spend time with Aunt Sue. She has helped me with many a math problem and taught me many things about life. I was never very into skiing as a kid but have become very into snowboarding since I got to New Zealand. It was fun to spend a day on the mountian with her.

Me in Billings with my favorite of Darlene's dolls, Patrick

Darlene's hilarious dancing dog
Dad and I being silly

Dad and I being silly again

Brian and I being silly
(notice a theme?)
Aunt Sue and I at Discovery

Discovery Ski feilds
One of the very few photos of my family. 

The last picture I took in Montana
from our back balcony. 

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