Sunday, July 5, 2015

Airforce Ball

     June 13th Bevan took me to the Junior Officers ball. It was fun but unfortunately right in the middle of exams so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.
     I didn't have an appropriate dress so I looked at some my friends had as well as ones Tanya had. There was a plethora of choices. I still ended up buying one off trade me which was perfect because it wasn't as fancy as some of the ones I had borrowed but was still fancier than anything I owned. It also happened to be one of my favorite colors. I dyed my hair a dark chestnut which looked lovely with my skin and the dress.
Bevan and I at the ball
     The theme was mascarade. Earlier in the day we went to find some masks. I got a ridiculously sparkly one that I ended up not wearing because it was tiny. It was in a packet so I didn't realize how small it was when I got it. He dropped me back at home so I could study and get ready...neither of which I did very well. I was supposed to be ready by five but ended up not even starting to get ready till about 4:45. By the time I was ready it was closer to 5:30. Turns out Bevan had very cleverly not needed to leave until 5:30 but told me 5 expecting that I would be late. He obviously knows me.
Before leaving the house in
my dress
     We went to base where he got changed. Then we went to the junior officers club. There were loads of people there. Some of the people were in really fancy dresses while others were in pretty casual dresses. They loaded everyone up onto buses and we went into the city to the Maritime Museum. There is a big even room above the museum that we were in.
     We we first got there they had a big brass band and a singer. When we walked in he was singing Old McDonald had a Farm... It was so weird. Not many people seemed to notice. The guy singing was really into it as well. I thought it was bizarre. After that though they got better. They played the song that my Grandma Chris' dancing flower pot used to play. Some people danced to the big band but most people were milling about and getting drinks and stuff. Bevan and I milled about and talked to people that he knows. It was fun to meet his friends.
     They brought out dinner but I didn't have any cause I ate at home. It looked pretty good though. It was roast meat with vegies and bread.
    After dinner the big band left and a DJ came on. Lots of people started dancing which was fun. I really liked dancing. Some people were insanely drunk cause of the open bar and were throwing their cups on the ground. It really foxed my brilliant plan to take off my insanely high heels when my feet got tired. I ended up having to wear the shoes all night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though.
    It was a fun night. Lots of dancing and meeting new people. I'm really glad Bevan offered to take me.

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