Friday, May 1, 2015

Ed Sheeran

     Way back on April 11th I was lucky enough to go to the Ed Sheeran concert. I went with Rob, Tanya and their friend Rachel. Rob bought tickets ages ago. Way back before I knew if I was going to stay or not Rob got the tickets. He got one for me thinking I'd probably get a visa and if I didn't he has loads of friends who would have taken my ticket.
     The concert was at Vector Arena in the city. It's about the size of the Gonzaga basketball stadium. Maybe a little bigger. We were standing in front of the stage which was awesome cause we got to move around. When we got there at first the tallest man I've ever seen was right in front of us. We had to move around a bit to find a space where all of us could see. He ended up with a dead zone behind him. It was actually quite funny.
     Ed Sheeran came on stage and the crowd went wild. He was dressed super casually in a black top, jeans and bright red shoes. There were a bunch of different screens behind him that had up a variety of graphics mixed with images of him. He didn't have much on stage with him. Just two microphones, a loop pedal and his guitar. After his first song he stopped to say that he had gotten in the habit of loosing his voice a lot and he planned to do it again that night and he wanted us to loose our voices too.
      I really liked watching him us the loop pedal and make beats by hitting his guitar then looping it as a background. It is truly amazing the number of different noises he can create.  The way he layers it is really cool as well. He is excellent at getting the crowd involved and working with the crowd. He had the crowd sing lots of parts of his song. He had to adjust how he was singing so it would work with how we were singing. It shows what an amazing musician he is.
     One of my favorite things was these old ladies who were in front of us. They were probably in their 70's. They were having so much fun and dancing up a storm. I want to be like them when I'm older.
     During a number of songs everyone had their cell phones out, Rachel and Tanya were reminiscing about days when people used to use lighters. I informed them that there was an app for that. They thought it was absolutely hilarious. I even managed to download the zipo app so that they could appreciate the real, fakeness of my lighter. We got quite a few laught out of it.

I tried to take some photos but I wasn't close enough to get a good photo and I was busy singing and dancing so kind of forgot to document it till near the end.

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