Saturday, April 30, 2016

We finally got internet back!!!

    For the past six weeks or so our internet has been REALLY bad. At best it's like dial up but most of the time we haven't had anything. I've missed lots of blog posts because of it so here is a small catch up.

King of the Bays
     King of the Bays is an ocean swim race that was on April 2nd. I did the 2.8 km race with my friend Fiona. I had hoped that the race would go super well but it wasn't as good as I'd hoped. I got lost from Fiona and ended up drafting off someone who I thought was Fiona and we headed off course. Heading off course made the swim longer than expected and was really frustrating. I'm not super happy with my time but I also swam a lot more than I expected to so it maybe isn't as bad as I think it is. I am really proud that I did King of the Bays considering when I started ocean swimming a year ago swimming 2.8 km would have been tough in a pool and I didn't have the confidence to do it in the ocean. I finished it in 1:06. I was 39th in my division and 977th overall. My goal was under an hour and I think I could have done it if I hadn't got off course.

Panasonic People's Triathlon
     The weekend after King of the Bays (April 10th) I did a sprint triathlon (500m swim, 20km bike, 5km run). I put one of the photos from it as my photo of the week a few weeks ago.  I really enjoyed this triathalon. I felt like I really found my cadence on the bike. Often on the bike leg I go full out and then get tired but I did a really great job of maintaining a consistent pace. It really paid off because I was nearly 7 minutes faster than the last one that I did! I am really happy with how the race went. It's the last triathalon of the season and it was so great to end it on a good note. I was worried about it because the week preceding the tri the Sharps had been gone for the week so I had cycled to uni and home ever day (24 km each way). It is way more cycling than I normally do so I was worried that my legs would be shattered and I'd really struggle. Doing so well after a big week definitely boosted my confidence and I'm really excited for next season.

    Last weekend (April 23-25) we had a three day weekend because of Anzac Day. One of my friend's boyfriends has a batch in the Coramandel so we all went down for the weekend. We didn't really do much. We went for lots of walks on the beach and hung out. The weather wasn't great. It was too cold to swim and cloudy but still fun to wander around and hang out. It was nice to have a break from uni and the fam and stuff for a week.

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