Saturday, October 18, 2014

Denmark Dag To

    Today was my second day in Denmark. It started outnwith Ninna jumping on to my bed and sceaming. It was super funny. Then we had Skyr, muslei and berries for breakfast. Skyr is something the Danish got from the Icelandic people. It is a very thick yogurt that has more protien than normal yogurt. Ninna's boyfriend doesn't like it. I thought it was super yummy.
   After breakfast Ninna took me to see the four white men on the beach. They are a the thing that all Danish know Esbjrg for. They were much bigger than I thought they would be. Easily the size of a buikding. We wandered around the beach and looked at some of the fancy houses near them before getting back in the car. We looked at going into anfishing mesuem but eventually decided against it. Instead we went to Ribe. It is the okdest town in Denmark about 30 minutes away from Ninna's. I really liked the drive because Ninna and I chatted the whole time. I feel so lucky that I have made such great friends in New Zealand. Once in Ribe we wandered around a bit and looked at the old buildings. We walked past an ice cream shop a few times. I knew that I had to try Daniwh ice cream while here cause Ninna and Ozmene (another Danish au pair) always talked about it. We decided to go to thentop of a church then get ice cream (huge mistake).  We walked up a gazillion stairs to the top. It reminded me of walking up to the top of a tower with my Mom in Swizterland. We started on cool spiral stair casue but afterntwo stories moved to a very narrow wooden stair case. I kept thinking that the next set of stairs was the top but there were so many. When we finallh got to the top we got an amazing view of Ribe. It was cool to see how as the city got farther away it became more modren.
    After climbing down the gazillion stairs we went for ice cream. But tradegty of tradegties thr ice cream shop closed ealry! With our ice cream dreams dashed we moped back to the car and headed for home but miracle of miracles we happened across a fast food shop with ice cream! I got three scoops; brownie, dumle (yummy carmel) and chcolate marzipan in a waffle cone. Apparently waffle cones are standard here. On the top I had some guf and jam. Guf is is like a liquidy pink marshmallow. It is very sweet and fluffy. I had a minkr sugar overload but it was totally worth it.
     Filled with yummy ice cream we made our way home, had some lunch, went to the gym and had dinner. All in all it was a great day filled with friendship, laughter and food.

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