Monday, June 30, 2014

A Cave Full of Glowing Bugs

     Once again a crazy late post. I went to Waitomo on June 1st with five other au pairs. We left Auckland Saturday evening, stayed in a hostel then went black water rafting on Sunday morning. Black water rafting is going through a cave in a wet suit and an inner-tube. There is a lot of walking but also a lot of floating and you get to jump off two water falls. It was tons of fun!!! The Black Water Rafting Company has some cool cave photos on their site (
Some fun facts about glow worms:
         They only live in New Zealand
         They are larvae of a fly
         They spend two years as larvae and a few days as adults
         They mix their poo with oxygen and a special enzyme to glow
         The hungrier they are the brighter they get
         There is a rumor/fact that they get brighter with noise
         They can only live in caves
Everyone was dry in this photo! It ended quickly

We were testing to see if our tubes were too big.
I think the guides just think it is hilarious.

This is after we all jumped off the first waterfall.

Ariel, Ninna and myself floating back into sunlight.

We made it through the tour! We were frozen and happy.

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